
Mack Weldon was facing a soaring CAC, as they relied heavily on acquisition via social. They were bound to Meta acquisition and unable to expand their audience or showcase their full product line. 

Their customer is very analytical — they see Mack Weldon as a solution in their day. So instead of relying on performance marketing, we looked to increase user loyalty and, thereby, total basket size.

We applied The Daily Wear System to all customer touchpoints, redesigning the website, products and marketing around them, driving business in the near-term and setting up the brand for the long term.

We introduced The Daily Wear System as a simple way to buy Mack Weldon clothes designed to work together and to make our consumers’ day easier.

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We built sets built off customer personas, encouraging shopping based on lifestyle, and connected the product catalog through branded technical materials.

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Increase in average order value on site


ROI for "Buy Some Time" campaign

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